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How to Drill Through Fiberglass

Drilling through fiberglass, scary, we know. There are so many thoughts that run through our minds before we even purchase the tower, let alone right before installation. Hopefully we can help ease your mind a little about making some holes in your fiberglass.

Measure twice, cut once
Many of us have heard this expression, and some of us on a regular basis. Truer words couldn’t be spoken in regards to tower installations. Before any drilling through your fiberglass hull has begun, be sure to measure, measure, measure. If you still aren’t sure, measure a couple more times. If not, this expression will quickly turn into measure once and cuss a lot.

Prepare the area
It is best to protect the area you are working on, we recommend painters tape. This will also give you something to write on without fear of writing on your boat. For instance, marking where you will be drilling. For some towers it could be 1, or 2 holes per mount. Older version towers could even be drilling 4 per mount. When preparing the area, be sure that there are no obstacles in the way and you have clear access internally.

Start your engines! Ok, drills don’t have engines but you get the point.
1.  Make a small indent in the surface of the fiberglass hull where you will be drilling the hole. Use a sharp scribe or ice pick. This will prevent the drill from wandering and damaging the surrounding surface.
2.  Drill a small pilot hole running the drill in reverse. Please refer to your installation instructions as to which size is best for your wakeboard tower.
3.  Drill the main hole, still running drill in reverse, in a high speed with medium pressure. Again referring to your instructions for final sizing. Let the drill bit do all the work.
4.  Lastly, dress up the hole. This can be done with a grinding ball/stone. This will reduce the sharp edge of the hole exterior to prevent cracks in your gel coat.

Need a little visual reassurance?
Check out this video we made to help!

If you have some tough areas to reach internally, we have another great video for you!
Interior Mounting Access Tutorial – Check it out!

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