Why choose the Articulating Mirror?

Windshield mount mirrors are so yesterday, am I right?
OK, no. We actually love windshield mount mirrors. However, when you have a wakeboard tower you have the ability to bring that mirror higher up and give you better views of your riders.

With so many styles to choose from, why should you choose the Big Air Articulating Mirror?

Let’s start with the most important part – the articulating arm! single-versus-articulating-wakeboard-tower-mirror-arms
This is key to getting you the perfect spot. Most aftermarket wakeboard tower mirrors use a single piece arm. This means that you mount it to the tower and there is no adjust-ability to it. Where you mount it is what you see.
When using an articulating arm, you have so many options for adjustment. Since we use a 2 piece arm, there are actually more points that you use for adjustment. We explain that in the video below.

The next feature of our articulating mirror that we like to showcase – the size! Reflection_Of_Light_On_Convex_Mirror
We use a tournament style, 7″ x 13″ convex mirror. That is a HUGE mirror! All that area to look at and additional field of vision, yes please!
Convex mirrors enable to you see larger areas, showcased in the image to the left.
You know the little notation on your cars rear view mirrors, objects in mirror are closer than they appear? That is because they are convex too. This allows you more visibility of your rider when they are cutting in and out of the wake. Not only do you have the ability to adjust the arm, but you find that absolute sweet spot by using the ball joint on the back of the mirror head.

Finally, easy installation!
With a large 2.5 inch clamp we can accommodate not only all Big Air towers, but other manufacturers as well. We provide liners to accommodate down to 2.25 inch and 2 inch tubing as well. Install your mirror higher or lower on the tower, the choice is yours. You can even mount on the top of the tower onto the Top Bar or H-Member. Installation is so simple, and we know you’ll love that!

Not sure how to choose the liner you might need? Check out our helpful video – Liner Selection

What are you waiting for? Get yours ordered and on its way to you today!

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